10 Tips: How to Make your computer or PC Run Faster

10 Tips: How to Make your computer Run Faster
Today everybody is having his/her personal computer. Pc can be your laptop or your home computer. So today our post is about how to make your computer or pc run faster? Today everyone is having pc. Sometime it will slow down. So it will take some extra time to perform specific task. But we do not have lot of time to do it. Because of faster life, so we should have our pc up to date. I will give you some tips by which your system will definitely work fast. Normally everyone use’s windows so here is the tips for windows users.

Loses with slow pc:

1: It will take time to copy your data.
2: It will slow down your internet speed.
3: It will take so much time to open any software and perform work.
4: You can loss your data sometimes.

Tips to make it faster:

1: Remove temp files
Yes when we work many files automatic generates in system which is called the temporary files you can delete it by going to Run>>>%temp%>>Press enter button in it. You can see temp files now. Just delete these files and your system unwanted files will be removed. Now your system is little fast.

2: Remove unwanted files:
Remove all files you have unused. These files have acquired your some space. Which is not good at all for your system?

3: Uninstall unwanted software:
Remove all unwanted software which is not in your use. These are those one’s which is installed with some other programs. They are like tabs, default home page, browser extensions, and much more you will find it in your computer. why you are having this without reason in your system. Just remove it. By going to control  panel >>>> programs.

4: Defragment your hard disk:
Sometimes our hard drive fragmented. So our hard drive disks like d, e ,f or how many we have. It will reconfigure the way we store our data in our drives. When our drives will load fast then our computer will work fast. You can perform this by going to My computer >>>select any drive>>>>click on properties>>>>tools>>>>defragment now. Now your computer will be bit faster than before

5: Install CC cleaner:
It is a software program which will remove your unwanted data automatically. Only you have to install this and after that you have to run this tool. Check the points which you want to remove. Believe me when i run this tool it clears my more than 1 GB data from my disk. Also one thing more you do not need to purchase this because this is free of cost. It will take few minutes only. You can download this from any software site easily. Or you can download from here cc cleaner.

6: Install Microsoft Security Essential:
It is very good antivirus software provided by Microsoft. It will remove your every bad factor from your system and make your system fast. It is also free one. Only need to download it from Microsoft website. Then you need to install it. After installation it will download latest update online from their server. It will depend on your internet connection how it will download. After full installation run full scan it will take over 2 hours if you want to check your whole system. Or you can perform quick scan and you can also schedule this. It will repair your window as well. with this your system is also secure and protected from spyware and malwares as well.

7: Run disk clean up:
It is very important if your disk is clean or not. If it is not then your computer speed can be slow.So perform this by going to My computer>>>>>select disk>>>>properties>>>general>>>disk clean up.It will also make your system fast.

8: Stop unwanted programs to start while booting:
Yes when we start our window then sometimes it load many unwanted programs which we should stop anyhow. So our system can boot fast and perform fast then before.

9: Install extra RAM:
RAM is a random access memory. It is a very big factor to make your system or computer fast. For example you are having small work in starting then your work load will go high. Then in this situation you need more ram. So just buy it and install in your computer. It will make your system fast then before.

10: Restart:
It is very small tip but it can make wonder as well. Restart your system after every program installation.  So that it can make changes to your system.

Video Tutorial

Editor desk:

I have personally used these things before to make my laptop fast. So I think i should share this with you. Hope you will like. Just share with your friends if you like so they can also make his/her computer fast. What you feel about this post let me know in comments. Also if you have more tips then don’t forget to share in comments.
